Dogs - Collected by Catherine Johnson

Dogs - Collected by Catherine Johnson

  • Dogs - Collected by Catherine Johnson
  • Dogs - Collected by Catherine Johnson
  • Dogs - Collected by Catherine Johnson

Dogs - Collected by Catherine Johnson

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Price 14,95 €

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HB, 240 pages, 500 colour illustrations

Collected by Catherine Johnson Words by William Wegman
A charming collection of anonymous snapshots of dogs.

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This volume presents amateur, anonymous snapshots of dogs from the turn of the century to the early 1950s in all kinds of ordinary and extraordinary settings. In it, we see dogs under the Christmas table, on front porches, at play by the beach, and posed beside babies, birthday girls, and in the casual family portrait. Each photograph in this remarkable collection reflects a unique moment in time and the sometimes surprising, occasionally humorous, and always intimate relationships people have with their dogs. Catherine Johnson’s collection – with its small format, unpretentious subjects, and days-gone-by aesthetic – not only reveals a love for ‘man’s best friend’, but also presents a sophisticated selection made with a keen eye for the unusual within mundane.

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