Arno Rafael Minkkinen - Body Land

Arno Rafael Minkkinen - Body Land

  • Arno Rafael Minkkinen - Body Land
  • Arno Rafael Minkkinen - Body Land
  • Arno Rafael Minkkinen - Body Land
  • Arno Rafael Minkkinen - Body Land

Arno Rafael Minkkinen - Body Land

Price 26,00 €

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HB,48 pages
Smithsonian Books, 1999

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In this collection of self-portraits Arno Rafael Minkkinen incorporates his own nude body into a range of isolated settings, emphasizing its bond to the natural world. Whether rooted to the ground like an aspen or emerging from a smooth bank of snow, he contorts himself to merge with the contours of the landscape. An essay that explores his relationship to the camera as both photographer and subject discusses how photography can merge past and future, as well as individual bodies with the earth, sea, and even air.

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