Boris Mikhailov - Yesterday`s Sandwich

Boris Mikhailov - Yesterday`s Sandwich

Boris Mikhailov - Yesterday`s Sandwich

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Price 59,95 €

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54,50 € (VAT 0%)

HB,128 sivua, 52 kuvaa.

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This is the first book ever published on the famous Russian photographer Boris Mikhailov’s fascinating early body of work entitled the Superimposition series. Boris Mikhailov (b.1938) is the most influential Russian photographer living today. An artist, a documentary photographer and a social observer, he has experimented with many photographic styles and his work is highly respected by both the photography world and contemporary art lovers. In this series from the late 60s to early 70s, he has overlayed two colour slides, creating fascinating “sandwiches”, i.e beautifully composed tableaux of glamorous naked women, surreal urban landscapes and strange scenes of everyday Soviet life.

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